Launch of the Mediterranean SDSN Network (MED Solutions)

The Mediterranean Sustainable Development Solutions Network (MED Solutions) was launched on July 3-5 in Siena, Italy. MED Solutions, hosted by the University of Siena, will coordinate the activities of a vast network of universities, research centers and businesses interested in identifying and implementing solutions initiatives addressing sustainability challenges in the Mediterranean region.

For the launch, 18 out of 21 countries from the Mediterranean basin were represented. The launch focused on two crucial topics for the region: the health of the Mediterranean Sea and the de-carbonization of the energy system. Angelo Riccaboni, Rector of the University of Siena, and Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the SDSN and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, led the conference that brought together a unique combination of high-level experts, researchers, policy makers, civil society leaders and students from key Mediterranean institutions. In addition, the conference was honored by the special appearance of the Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research, Minister Ms. Maria Chiara Carrozza.