Join us at the 3rd Global Solutions Forum – Building forward better, leaving no one behind

The pandemic has exacerbated pre existing global problems, but solutions to many of those challenges already exist all around the world. However, in many cases, local solutions miss out on their potential by not being scaled up globally and thereby prevented from maximizing their impact for SDG achievement. Against this backdrop, it is more important than ever to shine light on the most transformative and scalable solutions from within the unique SDSN network – those that shape the path towards a sustainable future, leaving no one behind.

The 3rd edition of the Global Solutions Forum will lift these solutions up to a global audience and bring changemakers together to catalyze progress and inspire one another to keep aiming high. Together with its partners G-STIC, GIZ, and PANORAMA, SDSN is organizing an innovative event that will connect a plethora of actors with the goal of creating tangible impact.

Lifting local solutions to a global stage

The first two editions of the GSF in 2019 and 2020 successfully elevated cutting-edge transformations for the SDGs in front of an international audience and strengthened the connection between local implementers from all around the world. Both editions featured lightning talks packed with challenges and discoveries from within the global SDSN network and brought together high-level experts from science, academia, and policy spheres. All solutions can be accessed here for more information.

The 3rd GSF Edition

Boasting new partnerships with both the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community (G STIC) , the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) , and PANORAMA , an online repository for solutions, the 3rd edition of the GSF focuses on hands-on solutions to build forward better, leaving no one behind.

The event will be held on January 18, 2022 in a hybrid format alongside the G-STIC in Dubai during the Global Goals Week at Expo 2020. A group of five selected global innovators from SDSN’s National and Regional Networks will present their breakthrough efforts to a carefully chosen audience of fellow academics who can help translate projects to other contexts, business leaders who are able to deploy at scale, policymakers who can help shape regulatory foundations, and non-governmental actors, including donors, civil society, and youth. The concept of scalable solutions that lies at the heart of the GSF seeks to inspire and connect the diverse and global audience, equipping them with clear opportunities for action within the framework of the latest available science.

The Forum will be an exciting and innovative event that the moderator will guide through in an interactive way.

We look forward to seeing you at Global Solutions Forum to discover great solutions and to hear from our exceptional speakers, including of course our very own Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

You can stay up to date on everything related to the Solutions and our speakers on and on our Twitter Page.