Japan Chapter of the DDPP Launched in Tokyo

The Japanese chapter of the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP), was launched at the Tokyo Institute of Technology on October 7, 2014.

The National Institute for Environment Studies (NIES), which lead the Japanese chapter of the DDPP, co-organized the public launch of over 200 participants. Laurence Tubiana, the French Climate Change Ambassador and Special Representative from the French Government for COP21, delivered the keynote speech of the launch, welcomed the contribution from the DDPP to the UNFCCC negotiation process, and stressed the importance of having Deep Decarbonization Pathways to 2050 included in the climate deal in Paris next year.

Ken Oshiro, from the Mizuho Information and Research Institute and the lead author of the Japanese chapter of the DDPP (pdf), presented the key results of the pathway analysis for Japan, which were then discussed with key policymakers, leaders of civil society, and other experts.