Introducing SDSN Hong Kong SAR: a New Network, a New Voice, a New Year

The SDSN is extending its reach with the launch of our newest network, SDSN Hong Kong SAR, co-hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (Trust). The network was officially launched on 8 January at CUHK.

The commitment of CUHK and the Trust to mobilizing expertise and resources to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Hong Kong has contributed to the establishment of this new network.

CUHK is a forward-looking, comprehensive university, committed to research and education excellence. Dedicated to the advancement of sustainable development, the university houses several world-renowned research centers, including: the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability; the Institute of Future Cities; and the Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience set to open in 2018 in collaboration with the University of Exeter.

The Trust is a long-established philanthropic organization in Hong Kong and a top-ten global donor, according to the 2015 World Charity Index. Committed to improving the quality of life of the people of Hong Kong, the Trust proactively identifies and initiates projects that anticipate future community and social needs, by working with the government, NGOs, and community partners.

CUHK and the Trust have a long-term and productive partnership on a wide range of social and sustainable development issues. In December 2013, the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, the first museum of its kind in the world, was established at CUHK, offering a platform for the public to champion the cause of sustainable development.

Officiants at the launch event included the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor , SDSN Director Professor Jeffrey Sachs , Deputy Chairman of the Trust Mr. Anthony W. K. Chow , and Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK Professor Rocky S. Tuan , pictured above.

Professor Tuan in his opening remarks addressed the pressing issue of sustainable development: “The role of universities in sustainable development is undisputed. We are centers of knowledge generation and serve as knowledge repositories. Not only do we create and incubate new technologies, through research and development, most importantly we also educate and inspire future generations of leaders in sustainable development.”

From the Trust, Mr. Chow highlighted their commitment to the SDGs. The Trust has initiatives across a range of sectors, each of which address a number of the goals. He also emphasized the importance of partnerships for SDG achievement: “It is also the Club’s experience that the best way to tackle community issues is through partnerships. We are therefore delighted to see SDSN Hong Kong take forward this collaborative approach, creating a forum where expertise can be shared, partnerships forged, and cross-sector collaboration facilitated.”

Professor Sachs noted the key characteristics that Hong Kong brings to sustainable development. As a global leader in finance, commerce, logistics, and tourism, Hong Kong is a key global leader in facing the 21 st century challenges of sustainable development. “This new chapter of SDSN will make a major contribution to Hong Kong’s own sustainable development, and will bring Hong Kong’s expertise and remarkable dynamism to global problem-solving as well.”

The launch ceremony concluded with a panel discussion led by: Executive Director of Charities and Community at the Trust, Mr. Leong Cheung ; the Director of the Institute of Environment, Energy, and Sustainability; AXA Professor of Geography and Resource Management at CUHK, Professor Gabriel Lau ; and Professor Sachs. Each shared their views on advancing the SDGs in Hong Kong.

SDSN Hong Kong will soon launch their own website to showcase the many efforts they plan to pursue to tackle to 2030 Agenda in Hong Kong and throughout Asia.

Media Round Up:

CUHK Press Release:

Trust Press Release:

Audio Interview: Hong Kong Today:

Bastille Post:

China News Service:

Hong Kong China New Agency:

Hong Kong Economic Journal:

Hong Kong Economic Times:

Hong Kong Today (RTHK):

Hou Kong Daily:

Ming Pao Daily News:

People’s Daily:

Sina News:

Sing Pao:

South China Morning Post:

Wen Wei Po:


Yahoo KK: