Implementing the European Green Deal through Transformational Change

November 22 - The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Enel Foundation presented their studyon how to effectively implement the European Green Deal in full consistency with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a virtual event. During the event they showcased an example from the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan, demonstrating a national effort working to align long-term planning with the SDGs.

To live up to the ambition of tackling the urgent climate and environmental crisis, while pursuing economic growth and respecting the Leave No One Behind principle, the European Green Deal should be implemented according to a holistic and cross-sectoral pattern in deep synergy with the SDGs. Adopting the Six Transformations approach, developed by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs and others in 2019 and aimed at providing a model for policymakers to address multiple SDGs while minimizing potential trade-offs, this study – “ Implementing the European Green Deal through Transformational Change: A Review of EU Climate Action through the Lens of the ‘Six transformations’” – puts forward policy recommendations to ensure that the European Green Deal is applied in full coherence with the SDGs. Enel Foundation’s Managing Director Carlo Papa and SDSN President Jeffrey Sachs co-authored the study, together with researchers from Enel Foundation (Mirko Armiento, Maria Lelli and Nicolò Sartori), and SDSN (Elena Crete and Sam Van Hoof).

The case study on the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan shows how energy and climate action can be successfully integrated within the Six Transformation framework and aligned with the European Green Deal’s objectives. In fact, if properly implemented, Mission 2 “Green Revolution and Ecological Transition” outlined in the Plan will have positive spill-over effects in several policy fields, such as a net increase in jobs in the energy sector. In this respect, the Italian example can guide other countries wishing to develop a holistic strategy aligned with multiple objectives and goals.

Read the full study.