How South Korea Combatted COVID-19 Through Collaborative Cooperation

During an unprecedented global pandemic, strong and collaborative leadership is key. While nearly every country around the globe has endured the hardships of COVID-19, some have stood out in their effective and strategic response. To showcase South Korea’s COVID-19 response and recovery, the Center for International Development at the Korea Development Institute (KDI), an SDSN South Korea member , conducted a study to examine the country’s comprehensive response to take preventive measures. KDI suggests a collective approach of global knowledge sharing to combat COVID-19 and highlighted how cooperation was key in how South Korea effectively tackled COVID-19.

The South Korean Prime Minister took immediate action to streamline efforts between the Central and Local Government and worked together with health authorities to ensure immediate measures of combatting the virus. The country’s Emergency Economic Council created task forces for finance and economic sectors, which allowed for policies to be put in place immediately to alleviate any damage the pandemic would have on the economy. Also, schools went online after they were shut down and digital support was provided to students and educators to ensure everyone an inclusive education for all amidst the pandemic.

Cooperation was also shown through the public organizations and private enterprises working together toward what KDI described as the 3Ts: Testing, Tracing, Treatment. South Korean citizens actively participated in flattening the curve by social distancing and using proper hygiene protocol. If citizens did contract the virus, South Korea’s National Health Insurance, established in 1989, allowed for the cost not to be an issue for diagnosis and treatment. South Korea also learned from the 2015 Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), where they placed an Infection Disease and Control Prevention Act. This act allowed access to telecommunication data, which proved critical in tracking COVID-19 cases.

While South Korea has seen success in combatting the virus, the video explained ongoing issues the country is still battling including how to contain the spread while not burdening the economy and protecting the rights of individuals while emphasizing the importance of public health. Another issue addressed that while medical personnel was able to help treat COVID-19 treatments and help flatten the cover, they were worked “well over burnout levels” and KDI stated this will not work in the long term.

Wrapping up the video, KDI stated two key lessons learned from Korea’s response to the pandemic: systemic mobilization and digitalization . The healthcare system and government need to work together to allocate resources to flatten the curve. Second, digitalization is key. Prioritization on improving and increasing e-commerce and virtual education is key to ensure the economy does not fall and students do not fall behind in their education.

Check out the 12 minute video produced by KDI here.