Global Schools Program launches SDG resources hub for schools and educators

Vienna, October 5: The Global Schools Program launched its first digital hub of SDG resources for schools and educators at the IB Global Conference in Vienna.

The Global Schools Program launched its first digital hub of SDG resources for schools and educators at the IB Global Conference in Vienna.

Speaking on Friday to a global audience of IB teachers and school leaders, Mr Siamak Sam Loni, the Global Coordinator of SDSN Youth , shared the results of #generationIB , an online campaign to showcase IB students’ solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges, and announced the launch of Global Schools , saying, “IB teachers and schools are in an incredibly powerful and unique position to deliver on SDGs–you can use education as a weapon to change the world–together, let’s build a movement for sustainable development from your classrooms, our planet needs it.”

Schools are the core foundations of our society. They are the epicenters for future generation to learn, nurture knowledge, and have the power and unique responsibility to provide the knowledge and necessary skills for the next generation to tackle the biggest challenges of their time.

Centralizing curriculums, lesson plans, videos, and educational activities, the Global Schools Program provides schools and educators with resources they need to get started with teaching the Sustainable Development Goals and implementing them within their schools.

As a practical framework, the SDGs give educators the apparatus necessary to introduce complex local and global issues with specific targets to solve them, while empowering students and encouraging them to prioritize the goals in their lifestyles, behaviors, education and professional careers.

To help educators in their crucial mission, Global Schools have developed a series of tools, free and available to all, including lesson plans for grades 1-12, a library of fun resources and a pledge for schools to join the SDG movement.

SDG Pledge for schools: The pledge represents commitment by schools to recognize, support and promote the SDGs in their curriculum and campus environment. It also ensures that schools will involve teachers and students to acquire and deliver the knowledge and skills needed to solve global problems and achieve the SDGs. Sign the pledge.

Lesson plans for teachers: Developed by leading education experts, the lesson plans offer structured and comprehensive guidelines and activities to help schools and teachers educate students about the SDGs. Available from grades 1-12.

Library of fun resources for students: From games and quizzes to TED videos and comics, the library of fun resources offers alternative ways to engage and entertain students while learning on global issues.

For more information visit the Global Schools Program.

For media enquiries and interview requests, please contact: [email protected]

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was launched at UN Headquarters in September 2015 and adopted by 193 member countries of the UN. The SDGs, which are relevant to all countries, aim to achieve social inclusion, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.

SDSN Youth is the youth initiative of SDSN, focused on empowering youth globally to create sustainable development solutions. SDSN Youth educates young people about the challenges of sustainable development and creates opportunities for them to use their creativity and knowledge to pioneer innovative solutions for the SDGs.

Global Schools Program is a proud partner of #generationIB , a joint-campaign for collecting and showcasing student solutions for the SDGs. We thank the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), and particularly its ‘50th anniversary’ team, for its leadership and partnership.