Global Schools Launches Inaugural Annual Report 2021
The Global Schools Program is thrilled to launch the first edition of the Global Schools Annual Report 2021. This report showcases Global Schools’ work reaching schools, teachers, and students who are integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and SDG Target 4.7 into their communities in classrooms.
In 2021, the Global Schools Program expanded the network to 1,270 schools, encompassing 99,652 educators, and 1,171,000 students in 89 countries. The Global Schools Advocates program was re-branded specifically for teachers and reached 27,500 students and 6,800 additional educators through 2,300 lessons and activities on sustainable development. Finally, Global Schools launched a teacher training MOOC (taken by 504 teachers), a STEM Activities Guide, a Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL) Guide, and six SDG Activities Guides.
The report also details the work of Global School’s partners in Ghana, Morocco, and Turkey participating in the Global Schools pilot projects. It showcases the four reports launched at the UNESCO World Conference on ESD and the detailed curriculum research conducted by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, Al Akhawayn University, the Millennium Promise Alliance, the University of Education Ghana, and Hacettepe University.
Global Schools is grateful to all of the volunteer translators, Project Officers, Advocates, and students that contributed to the program’s achievements on Target 4.7. Global Schools is also grateful for the support of Ms. Jenn Gross and the Blue Chip Foundation and looks forward to continued partnership and collaboration.
“I am deeply honored to present the inaugural Global Schools Annual Report, which showcases one of SDSN’s key initiatives: Education for Sustainable Development and SDG Target 4.7 at primary and secondary schools. Global Schools is an international education program working in eighty-nine countries that mobilizes schools to integrate transformative education in their classrooms, curricula, and operations. SDG 4 and Target 4.7 are key drivers of the sustainable development agenda, helping students develop the necessary knowledge, values, and skills to act on local sustainability problems and become the future global citizens that this world needs.” - Dr. Jeffrey D Sachs, University Professor at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
“The work of the Global School network is phenomenal. The SDG Academy is privileged to host and support such an inspiring network. Teachers and students all over the world have a desire to teach and learn the drivers of Sustainable Development. The dream is to eventually have a world where Sustainable Development Education is mainstreamed into the curriculum at all stages of education. The Global Schools team I doing its utmost to make this become a reality by 2030. - Dr. Patrick Paul Walsh, Vice President of Education, SDSN
“Over the past year, Global Schools advocates and partners have shown that Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is one of the most effective tools for transforming school communities. They have pushed the boundaries of ESD around the world and their efforts have led to the creation of countless sustainability projects and the adoption of highly innovative and effective educational practices. Global Schools is absolutely thrilled to witness this progress and we are proud to work with such an incredible group of people and organizations” - Mr. Sam Loni, Director, Global Schools Program
“I am delighted to share the work of the Global Schools team, teachers, and students with the world. The Global Schools network is an outstanding community at the forefront of transforming education delivery and positively impacting the next generation. Every day, we are seeing innovative school initiatives to promote sustainable development that lead to incredible stories of change, and I am thrilled to continue expanding our crucial work.” - Ms. Amanda Abrom, Program Manager, Global Schools Program
Download the Global Schools Annual Report here.
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