Fourth Sustainability Summit for South-East Europe and the Mediterranean

As the entire planet is under immense pressure due to the ongoing Covid-2019 pandemic, questions are constantly being raised about the practices followed until today in many spheres of our life.
These questions undeniably are also related to the critical issue of sustainability, as the spreading and reaction towards the pandemic provide the opportunity to examine – and possibly redefine in some cases– current sustainability models.

This is why, SDSN Greece, together with The Economist Events, is hosting this annual gathering in Athens that will once again feature leading thinkers and cutting edge insights from around the world.

At the moment, all scientific and social forces have joined forces in an effort to monitor and study the development of Covid-19, trying to answer determining questions:

  • How do epidemics relate to the sustainability crisis?
  • Will we find ways to coexist with what is happening in the biosphere?
  • What are the lessons to be learnt from the Covid-19 pandemics?
  • Should the sustainability goals be prioritized in the post-Covid-19 era?

Prominent international business and finance leaders along with cabinet ministers , academics and Nobel laureates from around the world will engage in an open dialogue on climate change, biodiversity aspects and sustainability goals as we tackle one of the most crucial issues in the global agenda .

Venue: Athens, Greece
Date: 1 & 2 October 2020

You can find all relevant information about this event here.