Food and Land-Use Coalition (FOLU) Launched in China & India

The Food and Land Use (FOLU) Coalition recently launched two new programs of work in India and China.

In China the FOLU Platform will be coordinated by WRI China and is building on the ongoing work of the FABLE Consortium , which is led by the Center for Agricultural Resources Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and brings together experts from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University , Peking University , China Agricultural University and Tsinghua University.

In the framework of the FABLE Consortium, SDSN launched an ambitious program of work to develop Indian decision support and data integration tools led by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In addition to these three institutions, the FOLU Platform in India also includes the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), and the World Resources Institute (WRI) India.