Expert Group Meeting on “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development Goals”

On December 16, 2013, the SDSN and UN-DESA coorganized a meeting on “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development Goals,” hosted by the Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York. Click to view the meeting agenda. A background note for the Open Working Group briefing was prepared for the event.

The meeting included several panel discussions and expert presentations on the need for key science-based and technology-based transformations and opportunities for promoting these transformations. Click to view the presentations from the event:

Leveraging Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development– Ambuj Sajar

Addressing Science & Technology in SDGs: Findings from available proposals– Guido Schmidt-Traub

Innovations in Agriculture– Achim Dobermann

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems– Rebecca Nelson

Decarbonizing the Energy System– Emmanuel Guerin & James Hansen

Innovation for Energy Access – Vijay Modi

How Science and Technology Can Help Operationalize an Urban SDG – Aromar Revi & Cynthia Rosenzweig

A World Transformation to a Safe Operating Space – Johan Rockström