Discussing SDG Implementation in Turkey: Prof. Sachs visits Istanbul

Between October 31 and November 2, 2019, Prof. Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs visited Istanbul to discuss the current state of SDG implementation with representatives of government, industry, academia, and NGOs on the occasion of the launch event of the SDG Index at Boğaziçi University, host of SDSN Turkey.

The Program began with Prof. Sachs’ keynote speech at the 6th Sustainable Finance Forum held by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development Turkey (SKD) and Global Compact Turkey, in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative, Istanbul Stock Exchange and SDSN Turkey. Professor Sachs delivered a speech on the SDGs and the economic and political relations of Turkey with neighboring countries pointing towards peace as a baseline condition for sustainable development and green investment. You can read some takeaways from an attending student here. A full report of the forum is available here (in Turkish).

Later on October 31, 2019, Prof. Sachs visited Yeditepe University on the occasion of the launch of the Turkish translation of his book “The Age of Sustainable Development”. His keynote remarks emphasized Turkey and its importance as an agent for sustainable development in the region. The following panel discussion featured examples of successful implementation of the SDGs in different areas of society.

On November 1, 2019, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs gave a keynote at the Conference on “ How Can We Accelerate Action on Sustainable Development ”, organized by the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD). The event continued with a panel that elaborated the subject with the participation of SDSN Turkey, Global Compact Turkey, BCSD Turkey and B4G Representatives. A full account of the event and Prof. Sachs’ remarks can be found here (in Turkish).

Following this event, Prof. Sachs met his Excellence Dr. Berat Albayrak, the Minister of Treasury and Finance of Turkish Republic at the Dolmabahçe Palace and discussed global trade and Turkey’s economic structure.

In the afternoon, Prof. Sachs delivered a speech at Boğaziçi University on the occasion of the Launch of the SDG Index and Dashboard Report 2019 in Turkey. Prof. Sachs analyzed the current state of SDG implementation in the country by emphasizing the areas in which the country is currently lagging behind: those SDGs which Turkey scored red in the Sustainable Development Report.

You can read a full report on the Launch Event here.

After the conference at Bogazici University, Prof. Sachs met His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Fatih, Istanbul.

To conclude the second day of his visit, Prof. Sachs was accepted by the first Lady of the Turkish Republic, her Excellency Mrs. Emine Erdoğan, and discussed Zero Waste Strategy of Turkey , regional colloboration on the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

Following discussions with her Excellency, Prof. Sachs got interviewed for his take on the global economics and US foreign policy in the Middle East for the TRT WorldTV One on One Program.