Capacity Building in times of COVID-19

As the COVID-19 global pandemic rapidly evolves, numerous organizations around the world continue their pursuit for a sustainable future. Amidst these are the regional and national networks of SDSN. However, the isolating, foreclosure measures of numerous states have a massive impact on almost all economic and social areas. They go hand in hand with a growing feeling of insecurity among many people. These swiftly changing times amid a public health crisis highlight the importance of making the knowledge and experience of the scientific community rapidly accessible to decision-makers.

Hence, the work of the SDSN network managers has become even more important. But how can we continue connecting people to work together and exchange ideas if many of us are in shutdown and travels are impossible?

To support the network managers in this time of uncertainty and beyond- when we go back to a (new) normal - the SDSN Networks Team and GIZ have developed a Capacity Building in times of COVID-19 program . The program entails:

  • Digital and interactive toolbox for SDSN Network managers: How2network in times of COVID19
    The first pillar of the program is a newly developed digital toolbox for network managers, which has been adapted (and will continue to be worked over) to be fit for COVID19-times. So, whether our network managers want to know how to organize and conduct a webinar, or which free online tools one can use to collaborate with like-minded people globally, or whether they look for tips and techniques for online meetings, they will find it in the toolbox. The toolbox is interactive and combined with a mobilize group on capacity building to foster peer-to-peer exchange.

  • Expansion of the Seminar Series
    In the current situation we decided to expand the virtual seminar series, as we have lots of interesting topics in the pipeline. This means that the virtual seminars will be held monthly (back-to-back with the GMT-Calls). Given the particular challenges of online member engagement, we will do a special feature on virtual network management early in May.

  • Virtual training for online network management
    After the session in May, we will continue to host training sessions on virtual network management; e.g. GIZ is currently contracting experts to train the network managers in methodological, conceptual and didactical questions of virtual and remote network management and SDSN is going to host trainings on how to use certain platforms for virtual events.