Building Resilience in SDSN's networks

As SDSN networks move their activities online, Network Managers are increasingly required to manage and lead their networks and members in an all-digital environment that does not allow for physical gatherings. While SDSN's mission to promote integrated approaches to implement the SDGs and the Paris Agreement remains unchanged, the way in which local networks and their counterparts are pursuing this mission requires adaptation.

Continuing with the Capacity Building in times of Covid-19 program that started in spring 2020, GIZ and SDSN organized another online training in October designed to support network managers in developing practical tools and using digital tools.

During the training, SDSN network managers were encouraged to reexamine the network's vision in an all-virtual world and set their objectives for virtual networking. When doing so, network managers paid special attention to identifying current challenges and opportunities in the virtual environment.

Once a set of objectives was established, the training provided the managers with some insights on activity planning in virtual network management. Managers were tasked with developing their own action plans which would indicate when and how their respective communities would be engaged.

Managers were also provided with methods, approaches and tools to foster communication within the network and between members as well as tools and approaches to motivate members to actively network with each other. Such tools and approaches build on the Network Managers’ Toolbox that SDSN introduced earlier this year.