Appointment of Grant Cameron as Director of SDSN TReNDS

SDSN TReNDS Appoints New Director

The SDSN is very pleased to announce the appointment of Grant Cameron as Director of its Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics ( SDSN TReNDS). Grant has over 35 years of experience working in economics and statistics, most recently at the World Bank where he was Manager of the Advisory Services and Economic Statistics Department. This role involved leading the International Comparison Program, the Bank's work on statistical capacity building, National Accounts and much more. Grant has also served as an economist and statistician within the Government of Canada.

We are extremely grateful to Jessica Espey for her long service with SDSN, as Director of TReNDS and prior to that as Associate Director and Head of SDSN's New York Office. In addition to establishing TReNDS, Jessica played a key role in coordinating SDSN's engagement in the SDG negotiations, and led portfolios of work on monitoring and accountability, cities and gender. Jessica leaves SDSN to pursue an academic career. She is currently a PhD Candidate and teacher at the University of Bristol. She will continue to work with the SDSN as a Senior Adviser and member of SDSN TReNDS.