Andean SDSN Launched in Quito, Ecuador

The Andean chapter of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was launched by Rafael Correa Delgado, President of the Republic of Ecuador and Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, on June 29, 2015 in Quito, Ecuador. The Andean Network is committed to supporting the Andean region to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to identify and promote Solution Initiatives aimed at addressing sustainable development challenges. The University of Investigación de Tecnología Experimental (Yachay Tech) accepted the leadership responsibility of the Andean Network and will act as a regional coordinating hub for activities of a network of universities, research centers, civil society groups, governments, and businesses.

The Network was launched during the International Conference on Sustainable Development, which was attended by over 150 participants from the Andean nations of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The conference sessions focused on sustainable development challenges facing the region, including education, renewable energy, climate change, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, extractive industries, sustainability metrics, and the role of the private sector. The outcome document of the conference was a statement committing founding members of the Andean Network to pursue solutions for sustainable development, as well as a pledge to undertake specific activities to bring about sustainable development in the region.

The Andean Network is accepting applications for membership from universities, research centers, civil society groups and businesses in the region. Learn more about membership benefits and requirements here.

The declaration of the occasion of the launch of the Andean SDSN is available here. Presentations made at the conference are available here.

Photos from the event are available at: