Amazon Solutions Forum / Convocatoria de Soluciones Innovadoras

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Achieving the SDGs by 2030 requires collaboration and interdisciplinary action from all sectors (public, private, academic, international organizations, and civil society). To advance progress in the Amazon region, the SDSN Amazon has posted a call for solutions from SDSN Members, to be presented in an online forum in the summer of 2019. By identifying promising projects in the region and disseminating their results, we hope to accelerate progress on SDG implementation. Solutions will also be posted to the Amazon Solutions Platform , a geo-referenced database of regional solutions, making them accessible until 2030.

The SDSN-Amazonia is seeking the best solutions from SDSN members in the region. The three best solutions will receive an award and will compete for one spot to attend the Global Solutions Forum during the International Conference for Sustainable Development ( ICSD ) in New York.

You can submit your best solution until May 31, 2019, by filling out this form in your native language (Spanish, Portuguese or English).

If you are not yet a member of the SDSN-Amazonia and want to participate in the call, send us your membership application through this link.

La Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible para la Amazonia ( SDSN-Amazonia ) está buscando las mejores soluciones de sus miembros para divulgarlas en nuestra Plataforma de Soluciones. Las tres mejores soluciones serán premiadas y podrán participar del proceso selectivo para atender al Global Solutions Forum durante la Conferencia Internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ICSD) en Nueva York.

Envíanos tu mejor solución hasta el 31 de mayo de 2019 llenando este formulario en tu lengua materna (español, portugués o inglés).

Si aún no eres miembro de la SDSN-Amazonia y quieres participar de la convocatoria, envíanos tu solicitud de adhesión a través de este link.