Amazon Solutions Day at COP20

On December 8, 2014, the Amazon Solutions Day at COP20 will convene leaders from government, private sectors, NGOs, civil society, and academia to identify and to disseminate solutions for sustainable development in the Amazon region.

The Amazon Solutions Day is organized by SDSN-Amazonia, Amazonas Sustainable Foundation, Articulacion Regional Amazonica (ARA), Amazónicos por la Amazonía, the Environmental Ministry of Peru in partenership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Vale and Camargo Correa.

The event will take place at COP-20 to be held in Lima, and it will feature participation of Minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Mr. Pavan Sukhdev, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Professor Virgilio Viana, Dr. Antonio Nobre, Dr. César Villanueva and other global specialists on sustainability issues.

Documents available for download (pdf):

Event Flyer

Full Agenda