Achieving Sustainable Development: What lies ahead in pursuing the SDGs?

More than 700 participants, key thinkers, business leaders, policymakers, scientists, researchers, advocates, and investors participated in the 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean , which was held on the 1st and 2nd of October 2018, in Athens. The Summit was organized by The Economist Events in partnership with SDSN Greece and the SDGs Centre for Governance and Public Law, which is jointly developed by the Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership and the European Public Law Organization.

SDSN Greece Co-Chairs Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Prof. Andreas Papandreou emphasized the need for a science-driven, interdisciplinary and integrated approach towards the implementation of the SDGs while calling on participants to find motivation from a deep understanding of the enormous threats and the boundless opportunities they present if overcome.