Institutional Pathways to Mainstreaming Education for the SDGs: Perspectives from Senior Higher Ed Sustainability Leaders
Organizers: SDSN AusNZPac & Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS)
This is the first session in the SDSN AusNZPac & ACTS 2025 Regional Forum on "Putting Education for the SDGs into Practice in Higher Education." It will bring together senior higher education sustainability leaders from the region to chart the pathways institutions can take to implement the broad and cross-cutting educational agenda presented by SDG 4.7.
RegisterODS en municipios Afrocolombianos para el cierre de brechas
Organizers: Centro para los Objectivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF), Amunafro, and SDSN
The event will begin with a presentation and discussion on the findings of the Afro ODS Project: Closing Gaps. The second part will feature a technical meeting with mayors and governors from Afro-Colombian municipalities to explore strategies for advancing the 2030 Agenda through a territorial approach and fostering inclusive development.
RegisterThe Role of Higher Education in Accelerating our Region’s Transition to a Sustainable Economy and Society
Organizers: SDSN AusNZPac and Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS)
In the second session of the forum on "Putting Education for the SDGs into Practice in Higher Education," we will bring together leaders from within and outside the higher education sector to discuss the key role of higher education in equipping learners to support the transition to a sustainable economy and what more the sector could do to accelerate action.
RegisterScience Across Generations: A Dialogue Series
Organizers: Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
The SPA Youth Advisory Committee presents Science Across Generations: A Dialogue Series, a webinar series fostering intergenerational conversations on solutions for the Amazon. Based on the 2021 Amazon Assessment Report, each session will feature discussions between young leaders and SPA scientists on key findings. The first webinar will explore Chapters 25 and 26, focused on sustainable development in the Amazon.
RegisterVatican Youth Symposium 2025
Organizers: SDSN and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences from the Vatican
The Vatican Youth Symposium is an annual gathering of young leaders and experts from around the world, discussing and generating solutions for the most urgent issues of humanity. The Symposium, now in its ninth year, has developed into a leading global forum for young leaders in sustainable development and an intergenerational platform for building social movements.
Youth Empowerment & Engagement for Sustainable Development: Lessons Learnt and Policy Insights
Organizers: Columbia University
This panel will discuss the forthcoming special issue "Policy Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development," hosted by the Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. It aims to reflect on how ESD has transitioned from policy to practice and where that will leave the world in 2030, with a focus on the powerful role of youth.
RegisterPolicy Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development: Launch of the JESD Special Issue
Organizers: George Washington University
This webinar serves as the launch event for the Journal of Education for Sustainable Development (JESD) special issue, titled "Policy Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development." Speakers will discuss their contributions to the publication and inspire dialogue with a wider community about the successes, challenges, and opportunities for policy related to ESD.
Register2025 Together | Ensemble Conference
Organizers: University of Calgary and SDSN Canada
Together | Ensemble 2025, Canada’s national conference focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will take place on May 26-27, 2025, at SDSN Canada's host institution, the University of Calgary, in Calgary, Alberta. Now in its seventh year, the conference fosters a comprehensive, all-of-society approach to tackling Canada’s most pressing sustainable development challenges. It brings together intergenerational leaders from the private sector, academia, government, and civil society to forge partnerships critical for advancing the 2030 Agenda.